mardi 10 août 2010

What the 12 cycle superhighways mean for London Cyclists

In less than a year cyclists in London will be able to cycle along the first two cycle superhighways. Their aim is to provide a safe and direct route into the city centre to cyclists. Is this a major cycling revolution or is it just a normal bike lane with a lick of blue paint and a bit of clever branding?

The limited information that has been given so far suggests that the cycle lanes will be:

-Separate from motor traffic wherever possible
-Painted blue
-Following the route of main roads
-Definitely nothing too “revolutionary” there. The description on the TfL website is slightly more positive:

Direct and continuousThe routes will be clearly marked from start to finish so you’ll have no trouble following them. You’ll also see information along the way about journey time and links to other cycling routes.

Comfortable – We’ll be improving road surfaces along the route so you can pedal more comfortably.

Easy to find – Each highway will have a clear and unique identity.

Safe – Signals, road markings and continuous cycle lanes at junctions will help you keep safe.


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